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Recruit requirement for career



* General
* Engineer (Design & Engineering, Site Management, Production Management)

* General 2 persons
* Engineer 3 persons
University graduated
College/Special school
High School
Place of work Head Office 13-27, Myojin-Cho, Tamano City, Okayama, Japan
 Telephone 0863-81-7448
 E-mail:[email protected]
Facalty / Department
No designation
Rise in salar/Bonus Once in a year/Twice in a year
Holidays 5 days working in a week
National Holidays, Paid Leave, Celebration & Condolence,
New year & Summer holidays
119 days total in a year
Allowance Transportation fee and others
Insurance Employment, Accident, Health and Welfair Pension
◆Please contact to General Affair Department about recruitment.

TEL 0863-81-7448 E-mail:[email protected]


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