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Marine Construction

We undertake a full range of construction work from sea transportation, loading/unloading, installation at site, commissioning and adjustment, and hand-over. On land, we also assemble and install various machines and equipment.

Our vast knowledge and experience enable us to provide the optimal execution methods.

Because marine construction work deals with natural forces, we provide the optimal execution method according to the scientific foundation and statistical data available for the site in question. Our knowledge of atmospheric phenomena and ocean weather is based on our familiarity with specific locations. We have experience carrying out projects in diverse regions ranging from northern oceans with temperatures as cold as -20Ž to southern oceans as warm as 45Ž. In addition, our highly experienced supervisors can oversee construction projects in both narrow rivers and shallow seas where the site environment presents significant limitations.

Marine Construction Projects

Conecting of Lower and upper stureture of LLC in Cebu, Philippines

Load test of a 7,700-metric-ton fully rotating lifting crane vessel for McDermott International, Inc.

Repair of offshore observation station for Kyushu University,s Research Institute for Applied Mechanics

Wiring of 300-mm diameter

Transportation and installation of power plant barge for Philippines Whole figure of transportation

Transportation and installation of power plant barge for Philippines Leading of mooring chain

Transportation and installation of power plant barge for Philippines Pulling of mooring chain

Load test of a 7,700 ton fully rotating crane Lift up "TENZAN"

Loading of oil jack-up rig


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